Friday, July 20, 2007

Wedding News on its Way

We will have wedding news in the next week. Who feels like going to the an awesome country soon?????  ;)

Sunday, July 8, 2007


OMG!!! When you click on the pics, they open nicely... but they are huuuge!!! I'm sorry about that!! But it was already hard enough to post them, so I'm not gonna try to change it now! :-) I'm sorry because they are too big anyways ;-)


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Some pics in Cali

Hey!! So, I've decided to post some pics we took since I moved to California :-) I will try to post only the cute ones this time haha I will keep the weird ones for next time.

There are pics at Huntington Gardens, at home, in a park on 4th of July and in San Diego (when we had dinner with Dave's dad - Don - and our brazilian friends that I met in Chicago - Vanessa and Leo.).  In one of the pics my shoulder looks like my knee, but who cares, right?!!?  hehe

I'm too lazy to write right now and I have a lack of words and creativity. I will be back when I finally have some of one or another. And yeah maybe my grammar isnt the best either lol

